Scrap Metal Identification Guide


Beginners Scrap Metal Guide

Although most people have heard of scrap metal recycling, many do not realize there are items around their own homes that can be recycled at a scrap metal recycling facility. Identifying which metal can be recycled isn't always easy, which is why it can be useful to contact a recycling facility directly to learn more about the process.

Recycling has many benefits for everyone involved, including the seller, the recycling company, and the environment, so if you have items you think may be recycled, it is important to reach out and get an estimate.

Types of Metal to Recycle

It's no secret that large scrap items can be valuable when it comes to recycling. You may have had individuals stopping by your home or business to see if you have any items you want to donate. Those individuals are typically collecting items to bring to a recycling facility and receive payment. Once you know more about the process, you can participate in it yourself.

Most facilities accept a variety of metal types, and the amount of the payment you receive varies depending on the type as well as the amount.

  • Steel. One of the most common types of metal to recycle, steel is found in large and small quantities in many household and commercial items.

  • Iron. Another commonly recycled metal is iron. Both steel and iron are magnetic and are present in most machinery, so they are easy to identify.

  • Aluminum. Like steel and iron, aluminum is used to produce a large number of products you can find around the house. An easy way to distinguish between aluminum and steel or iron is by using a magnet since aluminum is not magnetic.

  • Copper. Although copper is not as common to find around the home, it is one of the most valuable types of metal to recycle. It is often found in electrical cords and old plumbing.

  • Brass. Zinc and copper are combined to form brass, which is used for faucets, doorknobs, and keys.

  • Bronze. Bronze is created by blending several different other metals to form a corrosion-resistant product.

  • Stainless steel. The popularity of stainless steel, especially for use in appliances, has made it a commonly recycled item. Stainless steel has a similar appearance as steel but is partially nickel and is non-ferrous.

Lead. Lead is heavy and resistant to corrosion, so it is found in many industry and manufacturing settings, including pipes and wheels.

How to Recycle Scrap Metal

Most scrap metal recycling companies give you the option to drop off your scrap on-site or arrange a pick-up for larger projects. Once the material arrives at the facility, it is weighed, and a quote for payment is given. If you accept the payment, the company sorts and distributes the scrap to processing plants. The metal is recycled at the plant and then sold to other companies to manufacture into more products.

Benefits of Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal recycling benefits the consumer because you can get paid for items you were going to discard. Recycling helps the scrap metal company because they are able to maintain a business by sorting and providing materials to processing plants. The processing plants also can maintain a business by selling recycled materials to other companies. Most of all, the environment benefits from recycling the most since metal can be used repeatedly instead of wasting away in a junkyard.

Contact Austin Metal & Iron Co.

If you have any questions about scrap metal recycling, contact Austin Metal and Iron in Austin, TX to learn more about the process. We have two locations to serve your needs.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/oneSHUTTER oneMEMORY